
食谱的英语 食谱怎么写,食谱的英语 食谱怎么写啊

小旺 01-18 45
食谱的英语 食谱怎么写,食谱的英语 食谱怎么写啊摘要: 我的食谱英语短文?用英文列一份晚餐菜单?用英语写一篇自己最喜欢的菜,及菜谱.制作过程,使用材料?介绍家庭食谱英语作文?我的食谱英语短文?There are a lot of del...
  1. 我的食谱英语短文?
  2. 用英文列一份晚餐菜单?
  3. 用英语写一篇自己最喜欢的菜,及菜谱.制作过程,使用材料?
  4. 介绍家庭食谱英语作文?


There are a lot of delicious in my cookbook.first I eat an egg,two fried dough bars and a bowl of millet gruel for breakfast. fried eggplant and a bowl of rice for lunch,some fish and a cup of milk for dinner.


Pork in garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝Sweet and sour chicken 糖醋里脊Potato with meat shreds 五香土豆肉丝Scrambled egg with tomato 番茄炒蛋Stir-fried vegetable 炒青菜Egg drop soup 蛋花汤Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤这是哥们以前在餐馆打工时候记的,你随便选几个吧。



食谱的英语 食谱怎么写,食谱的英语 食谱怎么写啊

On sunday,I was very happy ,so I decided to make a lunch for my parents.

Frist I cooked the rice.Second I cooked food Icooked vagetables and meat looking at them Iwas very pround I think my parents was proud of me.

I asked my parents to eat them when Iopen the pot.Oh!My god!The rice couldn't be eat.Because I didn't cook it well. I was very disoppointed although my father and my mother told me that they were very h***y.

食谱的英语 食谱怎么写,食谱的英语 食谱怎么写啊

So we needed to eat noodles for lunch.I didn't like eating noodles at all.But today it wasdelicous.Oh!very good!give a ***ile to myself.


I like eggs and milk for breakfast.But my sister doesn't like eggs.My father likes salad and soup for lunch.And my mother likes peas and cabbages for lunch.For dinner,my sister likes to eat meat.

食谱的英语 食谱怎么写,食谱的英语 食谱怎么写啊

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