
美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语,美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语作文

小旺 今天 2
美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语,美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语作文摘要: 春节的饮食用英文表达简短?关于中华美食节的英语作文?介绍美食英语?英语作文中华传统美食节?介绍西方美食的英语作文?春节的饮食用英文表达简短?1、Dumpling 饺子:又名水饺,原...
  1. 春节的饮食用英文表达简短?
  2. 关于中华美食节的英语作文?
  3. 介绍美食英语?
  4. 英语作文中华传统美食节?
  5. 介绍西方美食的英语作文?


1、Dumpling 饺子:又名水饺,原名“娇耳”,是中国的古老传统面食之一,是中国北方大部分地区每年春节必吃的年节食品

2、Rice Cake 年糕:年糕是用糯米大米蒸成的糕,在春节食用寓意人们工作生活一年比一年提高,取以谐音“年年高”。

3、Spring Roll 春卷:春卷又称春盘、薄饼,历史悠久,内陷丰富,一般肉末蔬菜,外皮卷成长卷,下油锅炸成金***,口感酥脆。

美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语,美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语作文

4、Eight-Treasure Rice Pudding 八宝饭:八宝饭用料讲究,除去糯米和豆沙馅料外,还要加上莲子、桂圆、红枣、金桔、蜜樱桃、蜜冬瓜、瓜子仁、薏仁米这八宝,分别象征婚姻美好、阖家团圆、早生贵子、吉祥吉利、甜甜蜜蜜、无灾无害以及长寿纯洁。

5、glue pudding 汤圆:别称“汤团”“浮元子”,是汉族传统小吃代表之一;同时,也是中国的传统节日元宵节所最具有特色食物,也表达了古代人民对于幸福生活的一种向往和期盼。


the traditional food of China:

美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语,美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语作文

China has a long history,including the food,since the Chinese people began to grow rice and wheat,they created many kinds of delicious food,the most famous are the mooncake,the New Year Cake,Zongzi and noodles as well.


Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks.

Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own fl***or, which can be called delicious food.

美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语,美食节的食物怎么做 餐饮业英语作文

介绍美食的英语有很多,如美味的Delicious ,可口的Good to eat ,香辣的Alright.,香脆的Crispy ,酸甜可口的Sweet and sour,软糯的Soft waxy 等等


the traditional food of China:

China has a long history,including the food,since the Chinese people began to grow rice and wheat,they created many kinds of delicious food,the most famous are the mooncake,the New Year Cake,Zongzi and noodles as well.


The western delicious food.

I h***e a lot of interest. Food is a one of them, I like gathering all kinds of delicious food all over the world. Western food is abundant.


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