食谱的英文 饮食风俗怎么写-食谱的英文 饮食风俗怎么写的
During the Spring Festival, three kinds of food are usually served. They are dumplings (jiaozi), sweet dumplings and sticky rice cake.
On the first day of the Chinese New year, people h***e jiaozi in north while sweet dumplings in south. As well, they eat the sticky rice cake which symbolizes h***ing a higher position for jobholders or becoming taller for children.
The Family Reunion dinner plays a vital role in the Spring Festival. Family members get together to h***e a rich dinner on New Year's Eve.
Apart from chicken, duck, pork, beef and mutton, fich is indispensable because it means abundance in materials in the next year.
Varieties of activities are held to observe this special festival.
People paste red couplets and papercutting on doors and windows, hang lanterns, light fireworks, pay a new year's call to relatives, and go to the Temple Fairs etc..
For children, getting pocket money from the elders is the most delightful thing during the festival.
The traditional Chinese new year, also called the Spring Festival, is the most important event for Chinese. For the preparation of it, we will do plenty of things, for example, to kill a pig and store its meet for the midnight dinner, to make some unique food on the new year's eve and so on.
The new year's eve is the end of the year in the chinese lunar calendar, we call it Da Nian San shi and the night Chuxi. On this day, we will stay up until the midnight and h***e a wonderful dinner with all family members. Before every meal during the day, we will light some firecrackers, which will drive away the bad luck. And the very typical food for the Spring Festival is the dumpling, which meaning is get-together. On the start of new year, we will worship the ancestors and visit the relationships.
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