
英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写-英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写的

小旺 2024-07-20 60
英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写-英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写的摘要: 用英语介绍山西美食的讲话或ppt?关于美食的英语单词?写描述家乡美食的英语范文?介绍中国传统节日美食的英语作文高中?用英语介绍山西美食的讲话或ppt?I will introduc...
  1. 用英语介绍山西美食的讲话或ppt?
  2. 关于美食的英语单词?
  3. 写描述家乡美食的英语范文?
  4. 介绍中国传统节日美食的英语作文高中?


I will introduce a kind of food called"the cat's ears".It shaped like a cat's ears, little and dainty, ate with toughness, liqueur. approach is to use flour, noodles or sorghumflour and dough. The .doug diced into thin slices with your thumb, press, natural into cat ear shaped, if with muttonseasonings, taste even more beautiful


 三文治sandwich;比萨饼pizza。香肠sausage;面包bread;黄油(白塔油)butter;茶叶蛋tea eggs;汉堡hamburger;火腿ham;奶酪cheese;酸奶yoghurt


With the reputation of Gourmet Paradise, Hong Kong offers the exotic fusion of Eastern and Western fl***ours along with a wide variety of culinary delights. But it does not mean that buying a meal would cost us an arm and a leg; instead most street snacks are sold at reasonable prices.

英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写-英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写的

Street snacks are ***ailable at every corner of the streets- fish ball, stinky tofu, eggette, pineApple bun, you name it. As the mouthwatering ***ell and delicious tastes, egg tart is always my f***ourite. The egg tart bakery from Tai Cheong Bakery is well-known, for our ex governor, Chris Patten, loves it so much. Just $6 each for a fresh baked one, you can enjoy the governor’s delicacy.


首先你先会用英语的形式去表达中文意思 中国的传统节日有很多比如:中秋Mid-Autumn Festival 元宵Lantern Festival 端午Dragon Boat Festival等等 可以一个出来为主题 中秋的节日美食是月饼mooncake. 元宵的节日美食是汤圆glutinous rice balls. 端午的节日美食是粽子Zongzi. 可以选一个进行详细介绍即可。

 In south China,the f***orite and most typical dishes were nian gao,sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wr***ed up in reed(芦苇)le***es),another popular delicacy.  在南方,喜爱和具代表性的食物是用甜糯米捏成的年糕,另一道受欢迎的美食是用芦苇包上糯米作成的粽子.  In the north,steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and ***all meat dumplings were the preferred food.  在北方,馒头和小甜饺是首选  The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household  这种时候准备巨量的食品是味了象征家庭的丰饶

英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写-英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写的

英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写-英文饮食文化 地方美食怎么写的

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