

小旺 2024-08-17 70
中国饮食风俗英语作文-中国饮食风俗英语作文高中摘要: 关于美食的英语作文?我的一周饮食的英语作文?有关中国饮食习俗的英语作文带有翻译?介绍西方美食的英语作文?关于美食的英语作文?Delicious food is delicious...
  1. 关于美食的英语作文?
  2. 我的一周饮食的英语作文?
  3. 有关中国饮食习俗的英语作文带有翻译?
  4. 介绍西方美食的英语作文?


Delicious food is delicious food. The expensive ones are delicacies and the cheap ones are street snacks.

In fact, delicious food can be called delicious food, whatever you like. Good food is not just the food on the table.

It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own fl***or, which can be called delicious food.


Monday, I would like eating fish and rice. I will h***e pork and rice on Tuesday .

Then, I will h***e noodle on Wednesday. On Thursday I will h***e eggplants , tomatos and steamed buns for dinner.

Friday is weekend, so I will h***e fish, mutton and leek. Saturday and Sunday are rest days,so I will h***e chicken and instant boiled mutton.


The whole meal will be more enjoyable if you knows a little of the ancient traditions and beliefs that place the meal in a 5,000-year-old culinary heritage.
As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits!
Though customs and the kinds of food eaten vary according to region,it is most common for Chinese families to gather for three meals a day.




The western delicious food.

I h***e a lot of interest. Food is a one of them, I like gathering all kinds of delicious food all over the world. Western food is abundant.


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