食谱介绍英文 厨艺***,食谱介绍英文 厨艺***大全
Monday, I would like eating fish and rice. I will h***e pork and rice on Tuesday .
Then, I will h***e noodle on Wednesday. On Thursday I will h***e eggplants , tomatos and steamed buns for dinner.
Friday is weekend, so I will h***e fish, mutton and leek. Saturday and Sunday are rest days,so I will h***e chicken and instant boiled mutton.
Since this is suppose to be done in English, I’m assuming that I should talk about a Canadian(外国) recipe(菜谱)。 The one I would like to write about is the Mashed Potatoes . in order to make the mashed potatoes, you h***e to add water in the pan with the potatoes in it, and boil(煮) it 。Turn the heat down after it boils, and wait for about 20 minutes. At the mean time, we could make the sauce(酱)。The sauce is really easy to make,we h***e to heat some cream and butter(黄油) in the microw***e(微波炉)。After that, we can mash the potatoes and add the sauce in. You could add milk if you want(desire). Later on, add salt and pepper to add some taste.
清蒸桂鱼steamed mandarin fish(象征年年有余);
白灼基尾虾 Boiled Shrimps(象征吉星高照);
剁椒鱼头Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers (象征***当头);
宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken (象征飞黄腾达);
葱爆羊肉 Sautéed Lamb Slices with Scallion (象征喜气洋洋);
Tangyuan /Glutinous Rice Balls(象征团团圆圆);
素炒什锦/绿色时蔬Green Seasonal Vegetable(象征前程似锦)
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