英语美食家怎么说 食品历史的,英语美食家怎么说 食品历史的
以下这些名词单复数同形: fish鱼,deer鹿,sheep绵羊,works(工厂),means手段,Swiss瑞士人,Chinese中国人 只有复数形式的名词 trousers裤子,pants裤子,shorts短裤 glasses眼镜,compasses圆规
snacks 英[snæks] 美[snæks] n. 零食; 小吃,点心,快餐( snack的名词复数 ); 中不溜儿; [例句]Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food.多数时候我们只吃点心和快餐。[其他] 原型: snack
potato potatoes土豆
tomato tomatoes西红柿
apple ***les苹果
pear pears梨
line lines酸橙
peach peaches桃子
beef beef牛肉
cheese cheese奶酪
milk milk牛奶
steak steak牛排
lamb lamb羊肉
如果你真心要学习怎样来地道的表达中国春节的美食和习俗,我个人的建议是:去看一下BBC 出品的2016年春节介绍纪录片。它的介绍从一个外国人的角色来介绍中国的春节,拍的非常精彩。去年没有在家过年,我一个人在国外过年,我就用这个纪录片来感受新年的气氛。下面我截取它的开场部分视频,并附台词字幕如下,自己手打的,请点赞支持我,谢谢!如需要快速获取该纪录片,可以留下评论,我会给你链接。
Welcome to China. We are here at the snow and ice festival in the northern city of Harbin, where many families come to start their celebrations of Chinese New Year. This time of year sees the largest annual mass migration on the planet when a six of the world's population tr***els home to celebrate with their families.
That is around a billion people making 3.5 billion journeys in a 40 day period. Join us over the next three nights as we find out what it is like to be at the world's biggest party. Here is what is coming up. Three, two, one, ago! We will be based here in icy Harbin and way down south in tropical Hong Kong, exploring how the Chinese experience the most important festival in their calendar. It is like watching a magic trick. We'll uncover this extraordinary annual event and experience the richness of Chinese culture. Sorry! From how families prepare for festivities to be celebrations on the day itself. I'll be focusing on New Year technology and traditions. H***y New Year. I'll discover the amazing way that rural China used to celebrate New Year. Tonight, a Hairy Bikers will be helping out at the world's largest motorbike migration. Lets see if we can cut it. H***y New Year! And I will be journeying to the most remote corner of south-west China to track down a living,breathing symbol of New Year 2016. Oh, my goodness! The year of the monkey.
Welcome to China. THEY SAY HELLO IN MANDARIN H***y Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year is also known as the spring festival. It lasts 15 days and it's the important holiday in the Chinese holiday. The start of the festival falls in either January or February, dictated by the lunar calendar. New Year's Day falls on February the 8th. In the run-up, the whole country is on the move. China is truly huge. You can fly for six and a half hours and still be in the same country.
During the Spring Festival, three kinds of food are usually served. They are dumplings (jiaozi), sweet dumplings and sticky rice cake.
On the first day of the Chinese New year, people h***e jiaozi in north while sweet dumplings in south. As well, they eat the sticky rice cake which symbolizes h***ing a higher position for jobholders or becoming taller for children.
The Family Reunion dinner plays a vital role in the Spring Festival. Family members get together to h***e a rich dinner on New Year's Eve.
Apart from chicken, duck, pork, beef and mutton, fich is indispensable because it means abundance in materials in the next year.
Varieties of activities are held to observe this special festival.
People paste red couplets and papercutting on doors and windows, hang lanterns, light fireworks, pay a new year's call to relatives, and go to the Temple Fairs etc..
For children, getting pocket money from the elders is the most delightful thing during the festival.
The traditional Chinese new year, also called the Spring Festival, is the most important event for Chinese. For the preparation of it, we will do plenty of things, for example, to kill a pig and store its meet for the midnight dinner, to make some unique food on the new year's eve and so on.
The new year's eve is the end of the year in the chinese lunar calendar, we call it Da Nian San shi and the night Chuxi. On this day, we will stay up until the midnight and h***e a wonderful dinner with all family members. Before every meal during the day, we will light some firecrackers, which will drive away the bad luck. And the very typical food for the Spring Festival is the dumpling, which meaning is get-together. On the start of new year, we will worship the ancestors and visit the relationships.
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