
Rice Cake 年糕
Spring Roll 春卷
Eight-Treasure Rice Pudding 八宝饭
glue pudding 汤圆
- 食材:苹果、香蕉、葡萄、草莓等各种水果。
- 做法:将水果切成小块并混合在一起,可以选择加入一些低脂酸奶或蜂蜜作为调味品。
- 做法:将蔬菜切成细条状,将其放在面包片上,卷起来即可。可以选择搭配一些美式芥末酱或酸奶沙拉酱。
3. 小麦蔬菜比萨:
- 做法:将面团擀成圆形的薄饼,涂抹上番茄酱,并撒上切碎的蔬菜。烤箱预热至200°C,将比萨放入烤箱中烤10-15分钟,直到饼底变脆。
4. 香蕉草莓冰淇淋:
- 食材:成熟香蕉、草莓、低脂酸奶。
- 做法:将香蕉和草莓切片,放入密封袋中,冷冻2小时。之后将冷冻水果和一些酸奶放入搅拌机中搅打均匀,制作成奶昔状的冰淇淋。
hotdog热狗,steak牛排,milk牛奶,spaghetti意大利细面条,salad沙拉,oil油,butter黄油,baked potatoes烤土豆,sausages香肠,bacon培根肉,marmalade桔子酱,jam果酱,hamburger汉堡,bread面包,tea茶,coffee咖啡,chips薯条,sandwich三明治,fried chiken 炸鸡,toast吐司
Since this is suppose to be done in English, I’m assuming that I should talk about a Canadian(外国) recipe(菜谱)。 The one I would like to write about is the Mashed Potatoes . in order to make the mashed potatoes, you h***e to add water in the pan with the potatoes in it, and boil(煮) it 。Turn the heat down after it boils, and wait for about 20 minutes. At the mean time, we could make the sauce(酱)。The sauce is really easy to make,we h***e to heat some cream and butter(黄油) in the microw***e(微波炉)。After that, we can mash the potatoes and add the sauce in. You could add milk if you want(desire). Later on, add salt and pepper to add some taste.
I英文译为:ngredients: 200 grams of pork, green peppers 100 grams, 4 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate 0.5 gram, 5 grams of soy sauce, water, 30 grams of soybean meal, soup 35 grams, 75 grams lard.
1 green pepper pick washed, cut into about 3 mm thick wire, washing seeded. Pork cut 10 cm long, 3 mm thick two thick wire, into the bowl, salt, water, soy flour and mix well.
2, salt, soy sauce, MSG, water, soybean meal, soup and turned into sauce. Add green pepper and wok amount of oil, salt and fry off raw dish.
3, each on a wok, put oil till Liucheng hot, under the pork fried scattered seed, put green pepper, stir well, cooked into the sauce, stir fry a few pot transfer to a plate mond.
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