1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (一天一苹果,医生远离我。)
2. Eat to live, not live to eat. (吃饭是为了活着,而不是活着为了吃饭。)
3. Variety is the spice of life. (多样化是生活的调味品。)
4. You are what you eat. (人如其食。)
5. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. (早餐吃得像国王,午餐吃得像王子,晚餐吃得像乞丐。)
6. Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. (让食物成为你的药物,让药物成为你的食物。)
7. Eating well is the best revenge. (吃得好是最棒的报复。)
8. Le***e the table a little hungry. (稍稍留点饥饿感离开餐桌。)
9. Good digestion is a sure sign of good health. (良好的消化是健康良好的标志。)
10. All things in moderation. (凡事要有节制。)
①health 名词,其用法也就是名词的用法。常见短语如下:
mental health 心理健康
health insurance 健康保险
be in good/poor health 身体好/不好
damage ***'s health 损害健康
②healthy 形容词,其在句子中间的用法就符合形容词的用法,常见短语如下:
healthy diet 健康饮食
healthy child/animal/tree 健康的孩子/动物/树
keep healthy 保持健康
health n. Smoking does harm to health.吸烟有损健康.
2.健康状况 She is in poor health.她身体不好.
3.祝健康的干杯 We all drank a health to the bride.我们都为新娘的健康干杯.
healthy adj.
1.健康的;健全的 The country's economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气.
2.有益于健康的 That book is not healthy reading for a child.对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物.
3.看起来健康的 His cheeks h***e healthy glow.他的双颊有着健康的红晕.
for one's health 无偿的,不取报酬的
bring back to health恢复健康
broken in health身体搞垮,体弱多病
drink ***.'s health为...的健康干杯
drink a health to ***.为...的健康干杯
in a delicate state of health[婉]有喜,有孕
in good/bad health身体好/坏
inquire after ***.'s health问安,问候
not...for one's health不是闹着玩的,另有目的(He is not here for his health.他到这儿来另有目的.)
out of health (=in poor health)健康情况不佳
propose the health of ***.提议为某人健康干杯
recover /restore one's health恢复健康
To your health!(=Your good health!)(敬酒时用语)祝您健康!
healthy carrier 【医】健康带菌者
healthy condition健康情况
keep healthy 保持健康
healthy personality健康人格
healthy seedling健康苗
public healthy【法】公共卫生
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